Legal statement

The following rules apply to all users or visitors to this website, and Satellite Petrochem reserves the right to modify these rules at any time. Access to this website is granted by Petrochem on the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to any of the following terms, please stop using this website. Satcom has the right to take legal and equitable remedies for violations of these rules.

This website is created by Satellite, and the copyright of any content provided by this website (including but not limited to text, data, charts, images, sound or video, etc.) belongs to Satellite or the relevant obligees. You may not copy, recreate, disseminate, publish, repost, adapt or display the contents of this website in any manner without the prior written permission of Satcom or the relevant obligees.

• Disclaimer:

Satellite does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and reliability of any content on this site or any results that may result from its use. Satellite Petrochemicals does not guarantee that you will be able to access, browse and use this site at all times; Satellite does not assume any responsibility for the inadmissibility or misuse of this website and its contents.

Links to other websites on this website do not in themselves imply that Sputnik endorses or assumes responsibility for the content or use of other websites. These links are provided by Petrochem solely for convenience, and do not represent petrochem's endorsement or recommendation of such information, nor are they used for publicity or advertising purposes. Satellite shall not be liable for any damage or loss to your computer system or any other software, hardware, IT system or property caused by viruses or other destructive programs caused by entering, browsing and using this website, downloading any content from this website or entering other websites through any link of this website.

• Applicable law:

This website and its statement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute concerning this website and its statement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where Sputnik China is domiciled.