Become A Responsible Company
Strengthening the Development of High-end, Green, and Intelligent Industries, Enhancing the Responsibility of Leading Enterprises in the Chain, and Creating a Model of New Productivity Development

In a proactive move towards fostering a more precise, high-quality, and efficient industrial ecosystem and the high-quality development of the industrial chain, the Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee and Government are rolling out a comprehensive strategy of the "chain leader + chain main" system. With the leadership of Jiaxing Municipal Party Secretary, Chen Wei, a pivotal symposium on the "chain leader + chain main" framework within the chemical new materials (green petrochemical) sector was held on March 21st at STL headquarters. Secretary Chen Wei, highlighed its significance through an insightful address, in the presence of Deputy Mayor Dai Feng and key leaders from municipal departments including Development and Reform, Economic and Information Technology, and Science and Technology.



During his address, Secretary Chen Wei underscored the importance of study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's exposition on the new type of industrialization and the spirit of his inspection in Zhejiang. Emphasizing the need for meticulous alignment with national and provincial directives to propel the new industrialization agenda forward, Secretary Chen Wei urged for context-sensitive deployment of new productive forces, rooted in the municipality's pioneering advantages, and a steadfast commitment to a problem-solving approach. He advocated the construction of a city's emblematic industrial chain of intelligent manufacturing and innovation, underpinned by high-end, intelligent, and green development principles.



Secretary Chen Wei stated that Jiaxing's chemical new materials (green petrochemical) industry has an early start, a solid foundation, and a promising momentum. It possesses characteristics such as comparatively advanced park platform construction, clear effects of chain-like development, and a prominent leading role of main enterprises in the chain. However, it also faces some growing "troubles" and bottlenecks in development.


It is imperative to persist in the strategy of "building circles and strengthening chains," focusing on the interconnection of the five major elements: industry, carriers, supporting facilities, operations, and mechanisms. Targeting specific fields and markets, unleashing the "magnetic field effect" of industrial aggregation, and promoting the downward and upward extension of the industrial chain is crucial to improving the industrial ecosystem.


Innovation must be upheld as a guiding principle, encouraging, supporting, and guiding enterprises to become the "main force" of technological innovation, leveraging cooperative platforms for industry and research, and creating the "main battlefield" for talent cultivation, with a focus on shaping competitive advantages.


Project-centric approaches should be emphasized, with close attention to leading and high-quality enterprises, intensifying efforts in project attraction, acceleration, and guarantee, to enhance developmental momentum.


A commitment to green and low-carbon practices is essential, actively promoting clean energy, employing green technologies, and conducting environmental upgrades to drive transformation and upgrade.


Safety remains paramount, necessitating stringent ideological preparations, comprehensive responsibilities, and detailed operational plans, to strengthen risk prevention and control continuously, and enhance the inherent safety levels of the industry.



Yang Weidong, Chairman and President of the STL, as the representative of the C3 industry chain leading enterprise, expressed during discussions that building the chemical new materials industry chain is not only the foundation for expanding and strengthening the new materials industry but also a crucial lever for forming new productivity in new materials. Focusing on the goal of high-quality development of the city's chemical new materials (green petrochemical) industry chain, STL will leverage technological innovation to concentrate on the "new three elements," focusing on the development of high-end chemical new materials, relying on future research and development centers to form a strong talent aggregation magnet, thereby consolidating the foundation for the development of the industry chain. With intelligent manufacturing as the guide, the STL Group will promote the deep integration of artificial intelligence and manufacturing, facilitate intelligent upgrading of the chemical industry, and enhance the development momentum of the industrial chain. Adopting a green and low-carbon model, the STL Group will proactively lay out future industries such as hydrogen fuel cells, and biodegradable and renewable plastics, and actively promote emerging industries such as comprehensive utilization of carbon dioxide, to enhance the dynamic of new productivity.


STL will anchor the goal of becoming a "world-class Fortune 500 company", strengthen the role of leading enterprises in the chain, attract and drive the landing of projects upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, create a model of new productivity development, and contribute Satellite's strength to the high-quality development of the entire city and the construction of the Yangtze River Delta metropolitan area's important central city.