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Top 2! Satellite Group was selected as one of China's Top 100 New Material Enterprises

Recently, the 2024 Hurun China Top 100 New Materials Enterprises List was released, focusing on the strength and potential of enterprises in the field of new materials, and selecting the most valuable non-state-owned enterprises in the field of new materials in China. Satellite Group ranked second in the Top 100 list with an enterprise value of 62.5 billion yuan.



New materials refer to newly emerged materials with excellent performance and special functions, as well as materials with significantly improved performance or new functions after the improvement of traditional materials. In reference to the national Ministry of Industry and Information Technology new materials classification, the list selection also evaluates the enterprise's new material characteristics from two dimensions. The first dimension is whether the enterprise's product application scenarios are closely related to strategic emerging industries with high technological thresholds such as energy saving and environmental protection, new generation of information technologies, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles and so on. The second dimension measures whether the company itself invests in R&D in the raw material segment.


Satellite Chemical has always been adhering to the original spirit of "Chemicals make a better life", continuously promoting the development strategy of "building a low-carbon chemical company with new technology materials based on the light hydrocarbons ", and taking the lead in the industry to build a new materials industry platform with the core of green, low-carbon and scientific and technological innovation. The company focuses on high-end polyolefin, electronic chemicals, electronic products, comprehensive utilization of hydrogen energy, carbon dioxide capture and utilization and other fields, and carries out key core technology research and development. The products are widely used in the "new three samples", aerospace, electronic chips, medical and health care industries, and continuously broadens the "ecosphere" of new chemical materials.



Oriented by the strategic demands of the country, the company has continuously maintained high-speed growth in innovation investment, building high-level innovation platforms and high-quality innovative talent teams, with R&D investment exceeding 1 billion yuan for three consecutive years. In May of this year, Satellite was the first in the industry to plan and build the future R&D center, focusing on scientific research and industrialization in the field of key strategic materials and cutting-edge new materials, to promote industrial innovation with technological innovation. Relying on the future R&D center project, the company plans to achieve R&D investment of 10 billion yuan in five years, R&D incentives of 1 billion yuan and R&D team of 2,000 people. At the same time, the company's independently developed highly selective zwitterionic alpha olefin technology and high-purity 1-butene technology have been acknowledged by academicians and experts as reaching international advanced standards. This achievement will effectively alleviate China's "cutthroat" competition in the field of high-end polyolefins, new catalysts, high-end lubricants, and other novel materials, thereby fostering the advancement of an independently controllable, safe, and reliable industrial chain.


New materials industry has become the key lever for accelerating the cultivation of new quality productive forces. As the frontier of scientific and technological innovation, the innovation results of new materials industry can not only provide key raw materials for new generation of information technology, new energy automobile, intelligent high-end equipment and many other emerging strategic industries, but also help to promote the technological upgrading of traditional industries and industrial innovation.


In the future, Satellite Group will continue to plough into the field of new chemical materials, accelerate the realization of new energy, new materials, high-end chemicals and domestic substitution, and continue to promote the development of manufacturing industry to high-end, green and intelligent, and help the construction of the national modernized industrial system.